輔仁大學 宗教學博士
香港中文大學 宗教學碩士

中央研究院近代史研究所 博士後研究學者(2021.1-)
天主教輔仁大學宗教學系 兼任助理教授(2022.2-7)




  • “Making Disciples of All Nations: Bishop Carlo van Melckebeke and his Apostolate to Overseas Chinese 1953–77,” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [A&HCI, SSCI], 54:2 (June 2023), pp. 245-270.
  • “Catholic Lay Apostolate in Twentieth-century China: From Catholic Action to the Legion of Mary,” Tripod, 200 (Spring 2022), pp. 103-155.
  • “Monsignor Martin T. Gilligan’s Diplomatic Mission and the Rise of Communism in China, 1946-1953,” U.S. Catholic Historian [ESCI], 39:2 (Spring 2021), pp. 63-86.
  • 〈愛國或愛教:中共建國初期上海天主教「背教者」的困境〉,《輔仁歷史學報》,期38(2017.11),頁137-172。
  • “The Catholic Central Bureau: A Short-lived Church Authority Set up around the Time of the Communist Takeover of China,” Lumen: A Journal of Catholic Studies, 5:1 (2017.1), pp. 146-170.
  • 〈中國式天主教建築在戰前香港的發展探析(1922-1941)〉,《天主教研究學報》,期7(2016),頁193-219。
  • “Christian Protesters for Democracy in Taiwan: A Study of Two American Missionaries under Taiwanese Martial Law,” International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 16:4 (2016.12), pp. 288-304.
  • 〈北平懷仁學會:聖母聖心會的文化傳教藍圖〉,聖母聖心會會祖南懷義神父誕辰200周年紀念研討會,比利時魯汶南懷仁基金會、輔仁大學天主教學術研究院、天主教聖母聖心會華蒙區區會合辦,2023年11月11日。
  • “Struggling to Survive: Catholic Responses to the Crises in Christian Education in China (1927–1951),” The Association for Asian Studies 2023 Annual Conference. Boston, USA, 16-19 March 2023.
  • “Mission Schools at a Crossroads: Chinese Catholic Responses to the Restore Educational Rights Movement, 1924-1933,” International Conference on Literature, Religion and Humanities Cross-cultural Processes in Modern China. Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, 25-26 November 2022.
  • 〈1970 年台灣政教界對教宗訪港的反應探微:以中華民國外交部檔案為據〉,第二屆二十世紀香港天主教會歷史研討會(線上會議),2022年11月5-6、12-13日。
  • 〈早夭的福音:從「紅皮聖經」探析當代臺灣基督徒合一與政教關係〉,華裔學志國際會議暨青年學者漢學論壇,新北市輔仁大學,2022年9月21-22日。
  • “The Catholic Adaptation and Friction with the New Chinese Communist Regime: The Case of the Catholic Central Bureau”,「角力、並存還是共生:宗教與政治的今昔」國際研討會,輔仁大學宗教學系,2020年11月20-21日。
  • The Short-lived Catholic Central Bureau: National Catalyst for Cultural Apostolate in China (1947-1951), Taipei: Taipei Ricci Institute, 2021.
  • 趙中偉、梁潔芬、黃懿縈合編,《臺灣天主教研究》(兩卷),臺北:光啟文化事業,2020。 
  • “Reviving Intellectual Apostolate in China: Scheut Fathers in the Catholic Central Bureau (1947-1951),” in Honoring the Option for China: History of the Encounters between the Catholic Church and China, from the 17th Century until Today, eds. Pieter Ackerman and Hugo Vanheeswijck. Leuven, Belgium: Ferdinand Verbiest Institute, 2023, pp. 393-419.
  • “Native Priests in the Catholic Central Bureau of China (1947-1951): Talented and Tragic Leaders Who Defended the Chinese Catholic Hierarchy,” in Trajectoires missionnaires en Asie Orientale, ed. Paul Servais and Arnaud Join-Lambert, Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2019, pp. 153-177.