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Statement of the 8th Asian Liturgy Forum


 We, the delegates to the 8th Asian Liturgy Forum, representing eleven countries, gathered in Taipei (Taiwan, R.O.C.), on November 1-4, 2004, studied and shared together our concerns related to the document Redemptionis Sacramentum. We are now happy to share with the local Churches we represent the fruits of our four-day assembly.

 We are cognizant of the issues addressed by the document and agree that there are indeed liturgical practices that need to be corrected or improved. As liturgists, we are one with the desire of The Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments to improve the present situation.

 However, we believe that certain matters cannot simply be remedied by penalties but rather by thorough liturgical formation of both clergy and laity. Such formation should include the teaching of the Magisterium, the theology, history, and spirituality of the Eucharist while taking into account the pastoral needs of the people.

 We recommend that the document be read with sensitivity and due respect for socio-cultural, environmental, and pastoral context of the local Church. Such context may often explain the so-called “deviations” from “normal” liturgical practices. Furthermore, when reading the document, we should keep in mind that not all the components of the liturgy possess equal degree of importance or value.

 We call on the clergy to exercise their liturgical ministries more fully in accordance with the principles of Vatican II’s liturgical reform. At the same time, we wish to give due recognition to the role of lay ministers whereby they participate in the Church’s ministry of Word and Sacrament. Therefore, we recommend that thorough theological, liturgical, and pastoral formation be given to lay ministers.

 In order to correct certain “delicts” and “abuses” the document encourages reports to be made to the authorities. We recommend that such reports be done with discretion, prudence, and fairness to the persons concerned, considering always the good of the Church and the authority of the local bishop.

 We thank almighty God for having gathered us together, and we express sincere gratitude to our hosts, the Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference, for welcoming us with unbounded generosity. That in all things God be glorified.

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