2013-03-21 2013-02-20 2013-01-23 高雄教區--吳家犖 回應: 2013-01-24 高雄教區--吳家犖 敬啟者 慈鑒:收信平安! 末學是輔仁大學宗教學研究所二年級研究生,也是佛教出家人。 願主與我們同在 末學 聖玄 頂禮 主內的錢老師及各兄弟姊妹: 復活節快樂! 貴中心的電子報太棒了!每周都是很興奮收到這個宅急便。(雖然我從來不知道什麼是宅急便,聽起來一定是台灣特有的漢化日語,跟一級棒、甜不辣同類。) 小弟正在耶魯大學神學院唸碩士,主修是「宗教與藝術」,兩年快唸完,但還有許多東西學不完!您們所關心的課題,有很多是我在接觸的,希望有天可以交流一下!謝謝! 道末 伍維烈修士 OFM 上 Hello there, Someone forwarded your e-mail to me and I would love very much to visit your website on a regular basis. Could you kindly give me the website address as soon as you can? I am the chief coordinator for the liturgy group for our busy church. I do like to receive your e-mail news. Many thanks in advance. Judy Many
thanks for your quick response. Your website is absolutely fantastic.
It will be the most helpful and supportive resource center we will
go to from now on. Judy Lew from Boston, MA, USA. 第一次收到輔神的電子報很喜歡,希望以後能定時收到。 謝謝,主佑平安! hi 主內各位: 本人在偶然情況下,看過你們所辦的電子報通訊。感謝天主,讓我有機會認識這份有份量的通訊的存在,願天主降福通訊的工作人員,讓更多人從中領獲神益。 Dear Friends in 輔神, Thank you for your faithful services! Would you please continue this new schedule and publish the information every Tuesday of the coming Sunday? The Chinese Catholic Bible-Reading/Faith-Sharing groups around the world use your information to prepare their understanding and sharing of the Bible readings of coming Sunday. Although they can use the published books too, but your information is fresh and often with new lights that reflects today's life-style/social-situation. I asked this for the Faith-Sharing members are the stones we build our future of Chinese Catholic church. When they invest time to learn Sunday readings, we need your help to enrich their knowledge and faith. In turn, they will be able to not only demonstrate their faith in their lives, but also verbally "break-out the good news Gospel" when the people around them are "take it as granted". Thank you again and may God's mercy and grace with your and your works! -- Edgar Shen, San Diego, USA 親愛的主內某某兄姐:主愛! 雖不知是誰寄給我的(毅民、玲珠or...),但是一定要恭喜你們的用心有了成績,也十分謝謝有想到要寄給我分享呢!我也轉寄了一些朋友,希望大家都有受益! 主愛盈盈! 開儀 上 |
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