感恩禮服務前禱文 (感恩禮服務後禱文) 慈愛的天父,萬物的創造者,祢召集祢的子民在感恩禮中一起朝拜祢、並和祢同在。我也感謝祢召叫了我,為幫助他人祈禱,並在神聖的祭台前為祢服務。 Prayer Before Mass Loving Father, Creator of the universe, you call your people to worship and to be with you and with one another at Mass. I thank you for having called me to assist others in their prayer to you and serve you at your Holy Altar. (感恩禮服務前禱文) 主基督耶穌,感謝祢賜給我機會,能在感恩禮中為祢服務。祢神聖的臨在,使我的心充滿了喜樂及平安。 Prayer After Mass Lord Jesus, thank you for the opportunity to serve You during the Holy Mass. In your Sacred Presence, my heart is filled with joy and peace. May Your Spirit always guide me so that I may grow in Your love by the grace of the Heavenly Father. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end, Amen. |
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