第六屆亞洲青年節禱文 親愛的耶穌、我的好天主,你對我的愛是多麼奇妙!我在內心深處,明白你是我最好的朋友。我不知道原因,但我真實感受到你我之間的親密。 主,請幫助我與你更加親密,也更能明白你愛的大能與奧妙。你為愛我,背起了十字架;又為愛我,死在十字架上;更為愛我,賜我分享你復活的喜樂和光榮。求你幫助我天天背起自己的十字架跟隨你,並賜我勇氣,在思、言、行為上,成為一位殉道者。堅強我的信德,使我常常信頼你。 親愛的耶穌,求你幫助我,作為亞洲人,看見和經驗到殉道者的光輝照耀,並通過亞洲殉道者的代禱,使我和所有的亞洲青年基督徒,無論在任何境遇中,都能隨時隨地,作你福音的傳播者。親愛的耶穌,我的救主和朋友,我向你祈求。阿們! Dear Jesus and Good Lord, Please help me Lord, to be more intimate with you and to know the power and mystery of your love. You love me, and so you carried the cross; you love me, and so you died on the cross; you love me, and so you want to give me a share in the joy and glory of your resurrection. Help me to carry my cross daily and follow you. Give me courage to be a martyr in my thoughts, in my desires, in what I do and think. Make my faith and trust in you strong and constant. Help me, dear Jesus, to see and experience how the glory of the martyrs shines on me as an Asian. Through the intercessions of the Asian martyrs, enable me, as well as all the Asian young Christians, to herald your Good News anywhere we go, under all circumstances. This I ask of you, my dear Savior and friend, through your Most Holy Name! Amen!! (http://www.dychk.org/download/AYD2014_PRAYER.pdf) |
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