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掏空自己 返老還童 登峰聖山










   上述的親身經驗,使我領悟到靈修生活中三項重要事實:(一)如願和「掏空自己」或「使自己空虛」”HE EMPTIED HIMSELF”(《斐理伯書》第2章第7節),一絲不掛,懸在十字架上的耶穌親密接近,結合為一,就必須仰賴天主助佑先「掏空自己」。(二)慈愛的天主有時也給人開玩笑,讓人出幾次醜,就能治癒心靈的宿疾,清除靈修途中的障礙及絆腳石,甚至改變人自小養成不利靈修的積習。(三)返老還童,讓身患絕症的九旬老翁,在數天內回歸兒童時的純樸天真無邪,掃除多年積累不利靈修的習性。這事「為人是不可能的,但為天主一切都是可能的」(《瑪竇福音》第19章第26節)。耶穌所說的:「你們若不變成如同小孩子一樣,你們決不能進入天國」(《瑪竇福音》第18章第3節),確實是靈修生活不可或缺的一個重要條件。

2012年7月31日 聖依納爵慶節 完稿於頤福園

Emptying myself to get close to Jesus, by Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi
Posted by Paddy MacLachlan

Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi of Taiwan died on August 22. A few weeks before his death, he wrote this account of how his illness was a gift from God. This is an excerpt from the original text in Chinese, published in the August 19 issue of the Taipei Archdiocese’s Catholic Weekly.

Having been in the Society of Jesus for nearly 70 years, Ignatian spiritual exercise has become part of my daily life.

Spiritual formation, personal conduct, responsibility, a sense of honor, the pursuit of knowledge, being serious at work and the importance of efficiency have all been, according to Ignatian principles, “ad majorem Dei gloriam” – tools and stepping stones to get closer to God.

But our fragile humanity always makes us forget our true purpose, to concentrate on increasing our reputation and authority, on gaining people’s respect. When that happens, those tools not only fail to help people but become an obstacle for us to be in communion with Jesus on the cross.

Through daily prayers, spiritual exercise and the Mass, I feel close to God. But when it comes to Jesus, whose chest was pierced by a lance, who “emptied himself” (Philippians 2:7) and hanged on the cross without a piece of cloth, I feel there is still a distance between us. I have reflected on this many times but could not find out why.

In recent months, I was hospitalized to have my chronic illness treated. I had time to pray and reflect in hospital. When I prayed, the image of a dying Jesus appeared frequently. At the same time, a voice said “Empty yourself, and you can climb up to the peak of Mount Golgotha to stay close with Jesus who emptied himself, to unite with Him in communion.”

The vision enlightened me: I realized that what I have been wearing was too much and too heavy: the clergyman’s alb, the bishop’s ring and mitre, the cardinal’s scarlet cassock; all these were nothing but extra layers of packing; they made me lose my original being.

Yet these clothes have been integrated into my daily life; it is not easy to throw them off. But what men cannot accomplish, God can. So God played some tricks on me, which embarrassed me on several occasions but ultimately solved my problems.

At the end of June, I was hospitalized with pleural effusion. I was prescribed with a strong diuretic to expel the fluid in my lungs – but I wasn’t told about it. The medication took effect during Mass. By the time I got to the readings, I had to go to the toilet. On the way, I wet myself so badly my urine left a trail on the floor.

Since my ordination 57 years ago, that had never happened during Mass. I lost my dignity. I felt I had no place to hide in front of the nuns, doctors and nurses. This is how God started to cure my vanity.

A while later, in Taipei, I could not defecate for two days so the doctor gave me some laxatives. They started to work around midnight. I woke up the male nurse to help me get to the washroom. Before we got all the way, my bowels emptied; the faeces dropped out of me, fell to the floor and the nurse stepped in them. He was not happy. While he washed his slippers and the floor, he muttered words that I could not understand. He then took off my soiled pajamas, sat me on the toilet bowl naked and, while he washed the shit off my legs, scolded me like an adult scolds a child.

“Just two or three steps from the toilet and you couldn’t hold on. It gives me so much trouble. You have to tell me earlier next time,” he said.

I felt like a one-year-old kid. Every sentence was like a sharp knife, cutting away all the esteem, honor, titles, status, authority and dignity of my past 90 years. After cleaning me up, he laid me on my bed and quickly went back to sleep.

I slept too but was then awakened, feeling very relaxed. The image of Jesus, who “was emptied,” appeared again. This time he was smiling at me, inviting me to get closer to Him.
I felt my body as light as a little kangaroo. I jumped once and reached the top of the holy mount, under the cross. I jumped again and reached Jesus’ feet. I looked up and saw Jesus was still smiling. He opened His wounds and asked me to jump in. The little kangaroo jumped again and got into the heart of Jesus. It felt like returning to the womb.

“This is the safest and warmest place,” I felt, “surrounded by the unlimited love of Jesus.”
The nurse took care of me respectfully the next morning as if he had forgotten what had happened. I thanked God for curing my spiritual illness, which made me refreshed, simple and humble as a child. That was the moment when I truly understand the words: “Unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.”(Matthew 18:3).

The third embarrassing occasion took place two weeks ago. I had just moved to the Jesuit’s Infirmary. As I had edema in my feet, the doctors prescribed a strong diuretic, again without informing me. The medication took effect on my way to radiotherapy. The medical staff and technicians could clearly see that my pants were completely soaked. At that moment, I lost the last single drop of dignity.

These experiences made me realize two important spiritual facts:
One: If you want to get close to Jesus, you must depend on God’s assistance to empty yourself.

Two: When our loving God plays tricks on us, making us embarrassed, chronic problems of our heart and mind can be healed; obstacles on our spiritual path will be removed.

That embarrassment brought rejuvenation to a nonagenarian suffering from terminal illness.In just days, it took him back to the innocence he had in his childhood and expelled unhelpful habits that had accumulated for years.

“For God everything is possible.” (Matthew 19:26)

Paul Shan Kuo-hsi
July 31, 2012
Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola







