



  • 報告顯示,已婚夫妻性生活滿意度較高。度一夫一妻生活的夫婦性生活滿意度最高;單身或同居生活者滿意度稍低。【註1】
  • 已婚婦女身心健康情形較高。與未婚婦女相較,已婚婦女在工作、生活環境、孩子和財政上壓力較少。所謂健康情況包括自測健康、宭迫程度〈distress level〉、慢性疾病,以及若干由社交生活直到工作態度的不同壓力型態。【註2】
  • 已婚人士較易當志工。與未婚者相較,已婚成人中,超過1.3倍的人樂於當志工,從事社會工作;服務時間平均超過未婚者1.4倍。【註3】
  • 已婚者較易累積財富。這點適用於所有年齡層的夫婦。【註4】
  • 已婚者較不易抑鬱,較少酗酒問題。已婚男性較未婚男士較不易抑鬱;已婚婦女則較少酗酒問題。【註5】
  • 結婚提高搬離貧民區的可能性。婚姻助人有雙倍機率自貧民區搬至非貧民區。同樣地,離婚也使人有雙倍機率由非貧民區搬至貧民區。黑人族群中,幾乎六倍的離婚人士由非貧民區搬至貧民區。【註6】
  • 已婚男性收入較高。已婚男性平均收入比未婚人士超過20%。【註7】
  • 已婚女性較不易經驗貧窮。與從未結婚的女性相較,無論哪一種族、家庭背景、非婚生子女或教育情況,已婚女性基本上較不易過貧窮生活。普遍而言,已婚婦女生活貧窮的比率低於未婚女性的三分之一。尤其目前,已婚婦女生活貧窮的比率更低於未婚女性的三分之二。【註8】
  • 婚姻生活的死亡風險較低。與已婚人士相較,從未結婚者的死亡風險是已婚者的二倍。而離婚或分居者的死亡風險高於已婚者50%。【註9】


  1. Christopher F. Scott and Susan Sprecher, “Sexuality in Marriage, Dating, and Other Relationships: A Decade Review,” Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 62, No. 4 (November 2000), pp. 999–1017.
  2. Peggy McDonugh, Vivienne Walters, and Lisa Strohschein, “Chronic Stress and the Social Patterning of Women’s Health in Canada,”Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 54 (2002), pp. 767–782.
  3. Corey L. M. Keyes, “Social Civility in the United States,” Sociological Inquiry, Vol. 72, No. 3 (2002), pp. 393–408.
  4. Thomas A. Hirschl, Joyce Altobelli, and Mark R. Rank, “Does Marriage Increase the Odds of Affluence? Exploring the Life Course Probabilities,” Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 65, No. 4(November 2003), pp. 927–938.
  5. Allan V. Horwitz, Helene R. White, and Sandra Howell-White,“Becoming Married and Mental Health: A Longitudinal Study of a Cohort of Young Adults,” Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 58(November 1996), pp. 895–907.
  6. Scott J. South and Kyle D. Crowder, “Escaping Distressed Neighborhoods: Individual, Community, and Metropolitan Influences,” American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 102, No. 4 (January1997), pp. 1040–1084.
  7. Kate Antonovics and Robert Town, “Are All the Good Men Married? Uncovering the Sources of the Marital Wage Premium,” American Economic Review, Vol. 94 (May 2004), pp. 317–321.
  8. Daniel T. Lichter, Deborah Roempke, and Brian J. Brown, “Is Marriage a Panacea? Union Formation Among Economically Disadvantaged Unwed Mothers,” Social Problems, Vol. 50 (2003),pp. 60–86.
  9. Stephanie A. Bond Huie, Robert A. Hummer, and Richard G. Rogers,“Individual and Contextual Risks of Death among Race and Ethnic Groups in the United States,” Journal of Health and Social Behavior,Vol. 43 (2002), pp. 359–381.
