


Students Day of Silent Solidarity's Blurbs

Since January 22, 1973 over 48,000,000 babies have had their voices silenced through surgical abortion in this nation. Children in their mother’s womb have been dehumanized.

Over 4,000 children have their lives taken each day in the name of choice.
Over 4,000 women are emotionally damaged every day.

On October 24th, students from all over this nation will give up their voices for a day in solidarity for these children. Red arm bands and duct tape will identify them as taking part in the day of silence. They will carry fliers explaining why they are silent.

Are you willing to give up your voice for a day for those who have no voice?

Every day in the United States of America over 4,000 American citizens are silenced against their wills. They have their voices permanently silenced and they never get the opportunity to speak on behalf of themselves. Today we stand in silent solidarity with those who have been silenced. Today we are silent, but by doing this we are being a voice for the one-third of our generation that will never have a voice.

These victims are not only being silenced; they are being killed. The victims we stand on behalf of are not going to be mentioned on the news. The victims we stand on behalf of will not have a funeral. The victims we stand on behalf of were ripped from the safety and warmth of their mothers' wombs. The victims we stand on behalf of were not blobs of tissue, but beautiful human persons, with hearts that beat, brains that gave out brain waves, and a soul. These are the victims of the abortion holocaust.

Every day over 4,000 babies have their lives ended in the name of choice. Since January 22, 1973, over 46 million babies have died. The time is now to stand on behalf of these innocent victims. Visit www.SILENTDAY.org to find out how to be a voice.


發行人:艾立勤    總編輯:蕭慧瑛    網路編輯:李中堅

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